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Is Your Faith Stagnant? Reignite The Flame With Holy Spirit Power

If you’re seeking a vibrant relationship with Jesus which transcends the mere obligation to follow religious rules and creates a deep connection to the Lord Jesus Christ, you’re definitely not all on your own. This longing for a genuine, living relationship with Christ is echoed in the hearts of many. The answer is to be embraced by this profound mystery of being the bride of Christ. The idea is found in the New Testament. It is a beautiful symbol of the intimate connection that believers experience with Jesus. It goes beyond the simple observance of rituals and can lead to a life-changing, transformational encounter in the presence of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Imagine a faith that isn’t tied to traditional beliefs or habits, but instead fueled by a dynamic personal connection with Christ. The Holy Spirit awakens a deep devotion to Jesus. It takes your faith from a strict religious adherence to a relationship that’s living and breathing. This isn’t just a notion, but a power that can change your life.

When you study your Bible under the direction by the Holy Ghost, stories that you have heard of are given a whole new perspective. They take on a vivid, vivid look that appeals to the heart. The verses that were once thought to be abstract are now filled with profound personal significance which will allow you to gain an knowledge of God’s plan and purpose for your life. The influence of the Spirit can also bring the wisdom and power to face the many complexities of daily life, providing the courage to share your faith with conviction and live life with conviction.

How do you get access to this incredible wellspring of spiritual energy? In the beginning, you must desire an intimate relationship with Jesus. This will enable you to expose your mind and heart to the workings of the Holy spirit. It’s more than studying the Bible or attending church. It’s the commitment to prayer and meditation that allow God’s words to be deeply absorbed into your soul. Kathleen Kaplan’s “Bridal Heart” books are a must-read for anyone on this process. These books aren’t just Bible studies. They’re designed to help you change your thinking about religion and to build a relationships with Christ that is focused on the heart. Learn more about Holy Spirit Power

Kaplan’s philosophy isn’t focused on achieving perfection, but rather an invitation to continue growth and transformation by a greater love for Jesus. When you give yourself to the Holy Spirit, you can start letting old habits be discarded and begin to live an entirely new lifestyle that is in line with God’s will. This journey isn’t a straight path to a perfect faith. It’s more an ongoing learning process, which is driven by a desire to know Jesus more intimately and love him more.

The prospect of being Christ’s bride amazing and brimming with promises. It inspires you to live in a way that is filled with love and the promise of a life spending in the presence of Jesus Christ, the King. If you embark on this journey with an open heart you will be able to let the Holy Spirit guide you through the mysteries of the Bible and lead you to an ever deeper connection with Christ. Kaplan will guide you and the Holy Ghost will empower you to accept your role as the bride. This will enable you to enjoy an intimate relationship with Jesus. Keep in mind that you’re more than a follower, but an intimate friend, chosen and blessed with the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. This journey, guided by the Holy Spirit and guided by books like Kaplan’s can transform your faith into a lively and passionate relationship with Jesus the very relationship you’ve been longing for.


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